Win a 7″ Kindle Fire and 7 Signed Paperbacks from Carissa Andrews
Giveaway from: KingSumo
- 21 ways to enter
- Sweepstakes
- Ends 09/25 @12:00 AM or when all prizes have been awarded.
(and help contribute to a noble cause)
For 2020, Carissa Andrews is doing something big. Not only is she releasing a brand new series, The Windhaven Witches, but she's also using the series as a way to raise funds for the American Cancer Society.
"In 2016, I lost my brother, Scott, to brain cancer. He was diagnosed as at two years old, and told he would only live a couple of years. 33 years later...his cancer caught back up with him. This year, in 2020, a best friend is fighting stage 4 pancreatic cancer. As an author, one of the ways I can help is by raising funds for those fighting cancer in their lives. With the launch of Secret Legacy (Book 1 of The Windhaven Witches), I am aiming to raise $2000 by donating 50% of all my royalties received for this book in 2020. Can you spare $1 to help me reach this goal?" ~ Carissa Andrews
Enter for a chance to win a 7" Kindle Fire and signed copies of all of Carissa's novels currently in print:
- Pendomus (Book 1 of the Pendomus Chronicles)
- Polarities (Book 1 of the Pendomus Chronicles)
- Revolutions (Book 1 of the Pendomus Chronicles)
- The Final Five (An 8th Dimension Novelette)
- Oracle (An 8th Dimension Novel)
- Awakening (An 8th Dimension Novel)
- Love is a Merciless God (An 8th Dimension Novel)